Donate Today
Donations are critically important to allow us to provide access to train as many midwives from any socio-economic background as we can.
Acces to donations, such as yours, will provide us the means to offer scholarships for prerequisites and programs to our students.”
Commonsense Childbirth Director Jennie Joseph believes in providing a fair system of maternal health for all persons in the United States, and worldwide. Jennie speaks up for accessible services, certified training and above all, a world where no black mother is left behind.

Equitable Outcome Scholarship Fund
Pursuing a career as a midwife requires our students to commit significant time and resources to their education. Most of our students must leave their previous careers in order to attend school full time creating a shortfall in their finances.
Our Equitable Outcome Scholarship Fund allows you to direct funds to our student midwives who are attending our Direct-Entry Midwifery Program.
By supporting our student midwives you can reduce this gap and help them complete their education!
Your donation will offset their tuition fees, book fees, travel expenses, and more.
A donation at this level will provide a student with a transcript evaluation or one book.
A donation at this level will provide a student with their books and supplies for the entire program.
A donation at this level will sponsor a student’s application fee, or a semester’s worth of books.
A donation at this level will provide a student with one semester of externship opportunities.
Midwife of Color Assistance Program
To promote the graduation and establishment of midwives of color in Florida, CCSM created the Midwife of Color Assistance Program (MOCAP).
MOCAP will provide funding to graduating students of color to cover the costs of their licensing exam and fee. The cost of the exam and license is approximately $1,800.00, which can be an obstacle to students who have just completed 3 years of full-time education.
Donating to CCSM’s MOCAP fund will help establish these students as licensed midwives in their communities. Licensure will allow them to provide maternity care, education, and social support to women and families so they can improve maternal health outcomes.
A donation at this level would sponsor a midwife’s licensure application fee.
A donation at this level would sponsor a midwife’s licensure fee.
A donation at this level would sponsor a midwife’s certification application and examination fees.
A donation at this level would fully sponsor a midwife’s certification and licensure fees.
CCSM is proud to offer the following programs to meet the needs of aspiring midwives.
Become a Midwife in the United States
Hybrid Direct Entry Midwifery Program
The Hybrid Direct-Entry Midwifery program follows the same Midwifery Core Curriculum as our standard Direct-Entry Midwifery program but is adapted to suit the needs of aspiring midwives across the USA. Our hybrid students will attend their academic courses virtually, clinical skills labs on campus during once a trimester workshop, and participate in a clinical externship in their local community.
Already a doctor or a foreign trained midwife? Get your Florida Midwifery License
Licensure by Endorsement Program
The Licensure by Endorsement Program is designed to prepare experienced foreign-trained midwives or doctors, as well as registered or licensed midwives from other states, for careers as Florida Licensed Midwives. The program focuses on the art of out-of-hospital birth, equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a safe, independent practitioner.
Why Choose Commonsense Childbirth School of Midwifery?
Dedication to Diversity
CCSM believes that exposure to diversity will best prepare our students to serve all birthing people and families. Because of our strong commitment to equity and social justice, the school promotes non-discrimination in all its facets.
Unrivaled Educational Philosophy
We are dedicated to educating student midwives in the ancient art and modern science of midwifery practice. We believe that any student wanting to reach their goal will be able to benefit from the education CCSM offers.
MEAC Accredited
Our hybrid Direct-Entry Midwifery program at Commonsense Childbirth School of Midwifery was granted accreditation by the Midwifery Education Accreditation Council (MEAC) on July 8, 2020. Our Licensure by Endorsement program is not accredited by MEAC.
Over 40 Years Experience
Commonsense Childbirth School of Midwifery founder Jennie Joseph brings over 40 years experience with the results to match.
Let’s Work Together!
CCSM is licensed by the Commission for Independent Education–Florida Department of Education. License Number: 4052 | Commonsense Childbirth Inc. is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization founded by Jennie Joseph in 1998.